Awaken :: My One Little Word 2016

The word that I have chosen for 2016 is Awaken. I thought my word for 2016 was going to be 'Thrive' or 'Bloom', as both came to me with great gusto mid-way through last year and for a while they seemed to sit well. However the closer to the end of the year I got the more I felt that there was something missing. Deep down I felt that I needed to awaken before being able to move towards, welcoming a focus of bloom or thrive into my life.
Awaken feels like a word that is powered by positive action and for me signals the activation of something new or waking something inside that is new or that was once there. Simplify, my word for 2015, allowed me to create some space for new things, and created positive changes and approaches in my life. It's now time to see what Awaken may bring to the year ahead...
Initially I thought the word Awaken would be a great anchor to enable me to be motivated to wake up early and fit more things into my day, like writing and yoga before work. But the more I think about bringing the word into my life the more I want to awaken in a variety of different ways. I want to awaken a deeper awareness of my skill set and awaken things that were once close to my heart but have been in a light sleep. I want to awaken things that have interested me, take them to a new level and bring them more into my day. I want to awaken and revive passions that may have been in a slumber and rouse new things in me too. I want to awaken a sense of resourcefulness this year as I make steps forward in many areas of my life.
Each year I hold great hope that in some way my chosen word will help guide my approach and become part of the journey of the year in whatever way it manifests itself. I will welcome Awaken with open arms and see what appears this year.
I know that you are wondering how you could have a word for the year. You might want to take a look at Ali Edwards One Little Word class and watch the inspiring video. If you join in and select a word for this year I'd love to hear about your choice of word.