Musings :: thoughts from the past year...and plans for the year ahead

I'm writing this on the day before my birthday, taking a little time for quiet contemplation and reflection. As I grow older the years begin to merge and time seems to pass, and so for me taking a moment to sit back and reflect is important. Like the blossom in this photo, this year I've felt that I've come out of a hibernation that I have been in for a few years and have started to awaken from a slumber.
Whilst sitting at the train station this morning I was overcome with thoughts and reflections on the year that has been, and I felt a deep excitement for the year to come, and so I started to jot them down...I invite you to grab a cup of hot tea, settle in for a few minutes and read my musings of the year that has been, and the plans I have for the year ahead...
The past year has involved movement forwards in all areas of my life...
...I've spent time reconnecting to me and what I love doing. Taking moments to breathe, think and believe in myself, I've built a stronger me and someone who now has a braver approach than before.
...I started writing a few of chapters of my book and reflecting on how I got to where I am today. Waves of nostalgia and pivotal moments in my life started to jump out of my memories, many had laid dormant for a long time. The memories have allowed me to give a gentle nod to the past and to smile at others too.
...I have started to connect the elements of my life together. Like a dot to dot, I'm starting to build a picture that has always been there but not quite fully in view. Only by taking the next step and joining one dot to the next have I started to create something that I'm very excited to see shape into an image I very much want.
...I re-discovered how I prefer to learn and what sits well with me in terms of expectations I have on myself. I'm adoring the coaching course I'm taking, with a great atmosphere, inspiring people and the balance of theory and practical teaching it has shown me that this is a way I enjoy learning. Personal study and revision have been filling my weeks recently and I'm seeing once more how much I love diving in, making connections and bringing my learning into whatever I do.
...I have learnt to go with my intuition more than ever before. I have stopped doubting myself and am just letting it be. Many of the decisions I have made have been based mainly on intuition over the past year. I have decided to be brave and go for things that are slightly out of a zone of comfort that I move with. The decisions I made have been worth it.
...I have let go of elements of my life that no longer fit my values and who I am. I've forgiven myself and let things be. Having a belief that the pivotal decisions and moments I have had were just part of a journey I'm taking, has enabled me to feel at peace with decisions I have made. I can't begin to tell you how freeing it feels to have more belief in myself.
...I have realised even more what I want to be doing moving forwards in my life and how I would like our life to be. I'm getting closer to the image of my career portfolio that I'd like to have and moving closer to a life outside of work that I want to cultivate.
...I am gracefully dancing out of the doldrums and enjoying every moment of it. From projects at work, to pushing my dreams at pace, to planning a handmade wedding, to planting seeds and planning a business idea...I'm loving the energy I have at the moment to juggle life when it feels full. I really do have all the resources I need.
...and most importantly, the love of my life Mr C proposed and made me so very happy. I am excited about having our wedding ceremony to mark our life together so far and our life ahead.
My thoughts and plans for the year ahead...
...Tomorrow I'm starting my journey into my 34th year. Mr C and I are heading off to Venice for a long weekend away for my birthday. I love getting away on my birthday as we are both doing something that we love, travelling and discovering new places.
...In May I'm heading off for the Sisterhood creative retreat. I'm excited to be spending a weekend away using my camera even more and meeting fellow creative women. An escape to west Wales is something that I am really needing, to take a break from city life, smell the sea air and get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself.
...I will be completing the coaching course and gaining a qualification this year. I'm looking forward to implementing even more of the skills that I'm learning and using them to help build the portfolio career I have planned.
...My blog will have more focus in my life and will see a renewed look later this year. I'm looking forward to attending Blogtacular in June and meeting more wonderful bloggers and saying hi to those I met last time.
...In October Mr C and I get married, and together we are going to create a day that reflects us as individuals and as a couple, with a focus of the whole process being a relaxed, chilled out and fun experience.
...I'm going to make coaching more of an element in my life over the next year. Through self-coaching and coaching others I hope to continually develop my skills for the rest of my life. I'm very excited about what this will bring and the route I will be able to take moving forwards.
...and finally I plan to have more of my book written and a creative workshop delivered by my next birthday!
Making time to reflect and plan has enabled me to move forwards in what I do and renewing my plans for the year in line with my birthday is something new that I will do each year moving forwards. I hope that you will join me over the next year and beyond, to watch my journey unfold.
What do you do to mark your birthday? Do you like to take time to reflect each year?